Why Would Americans Feel Worse Off Today Than Four Years Ago?

Spiritual Minutemen Readers:
I have hibernated this blog site for the majority of the past four years. In part, because the threats to our Constitutional liberties lessened during the Trump era; but also because I felt the world had enough bad news reminders.
Nevertheless, the following headline from THE Hill caught my eye this morning:
That headline, and the poll that inspired it, deserves a rational response.
Why would a majority of Americans surveyed feel worse off today than four years ago?
In my opinion, many of our fellow-citizens suffer from what I define as short-term memory loss. A reflection on the past often takes on a better light than it was in reality, especially compared to the immediate.
A negative view of present conditions, compared to four years ago, can be traced to what we have endured as a nation in 2020.
1) Freedom loving Americans have lived through excessive totalitarian shutdowns, mandated by state governors and local politicians who care little about Constitutional freedoms.
2) We have watched private-owned, small businesses forced into bankruptcy by mandated shutdowns, followed by widespread unemployment.
3) We have been disheartened by news of the militant Left’s riots, and acts of violence, that turned some of our cities into desolate wastelands.
4) We witnessed corruption in our election system that defies any explanation less than a massive coordinated hijacking of the electoral process.
5) Finally, individual liberties are being assailed by leftist socialist Democrats.
We are witnessing the erosion of our freedoms.
Freedom of speech has been shut down by social sites, newspapers, and media broadcasts. The right to peaceful assembly has been outlawed under the guise of COVID-19 guidelines. The cherished freedom of religion has been either severely limited, if not essentially shut down and fined by local politicians, effectively outlawing houses of worship.
Are we worse off than four years ago?
Looking back on 2020, I am afraid the answer is, yes. However, we are delusional if we do not think conditions are about to get far worse as the Biden\Harris administration is empowered to force upon us not only their rhetoric, but also their marxist ideology that is morally bankrupt.
I fear 2020 may one day be remembered as, “the good old days.”

Proverbs 29:2 –  When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: But when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

Your patriot parson,
Travis D. Smith
Copyright 2020 – Travis D. Smith

Socialist Health Insurance

Make no mistake, when the federal government, in partnership with state government, take over health insurance, government hacks and politicians will decide who lives and who dies; who has access to medicines and surgical procedures and who does not.

When the power of life and death is in the hands of bureaucrats, the long-awaited era of “Big Brother” will be realized and your viability as a citizen will be determined not only by your health, but also your political views.


An Alternative to Facebook filters prohibiting free speech

Dear Friends and Followers of http://www.SpiritualMinutemen.org,

My use of this blog site has been infrequent at best; however, Facebook’s aggressive filtering of conservative voices is pushing me to move my frequent posts from my Spiritual Minutemen Facebook Page to this blog site in an attempt to deliver news that is either ignored or buried by the liberal media mongrels.

After experiencing posts being removed from my political Spiritual Minutemen Facebook Page, I will engage here and invite you to subscribe if you are interested in my brief editorial commentaries that are often attached to news that you will not hear anywhere else.

You will notice to the right of this post an area you can subscribe to by clicking on “Follow Spiritual Minutemen” and then typing in your email address for direct delivery to your email box.  I promise to deal with news that is honest and truthful, albeit often offensive to liberals, and unfiltered by Facebook.

Your patriot parson,

Travis D. Smith