The Dilemma of Character Mediocrity: Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

VoteI had the joy of being with family in the Carolinas this past week and enjoyed a brief respite from Facebook, Blogs, and emails.  With both the Republican and Democratic Conventions behind us, I am tentatively stepping back into the dirty waters of politics and social media only to discover a debate raging over Donald Trump in “conservative\evangelical” circles (apparently fueled by noted evangelical authors and preachers Wayne Grudem and Albert Mohler).

Wayne Grudem is being eviscerated by some for his article, “Why Voting for Donald Trump is a Morally Good Choice”.  On the other hand, Albert Mohler contends he will use his vote to “write-in” the name of a third-party candidate and not vote for either the Republican or Democratic party candidates (many are arguing, and I agree, the effect of voting for a write-in or third-party candidate essentially relegates one’s vote to a “throw away” vote).

hillaryI believe it is a mistake to argue that a vote for Trump or Clinton is a “morally good choice” since both are incredibly flawed candidates.  If anything, our nation is faced with an unconscionable dilemma of identifying our own character flaws and moral failures as a people in the two candidates put forward by our citizenry to serve in the highest and most influential place of leadership…the President of the United States.  We, the American people, have guided this ship of state to the brink of a national disaster and face the reality our leadership is illustrative of our own rejection of God, His Law and Commandments.

Rather than argue who is most capable and qualified to serve as President, I believe the discussion must be which of the two candidates will do the least damage to our Constitutional rights and freedoms.  With at least three, if not four, Supreme Court appointments hanging in the balance, our only choice is the candidate who has proposed appointing only those nominees who will honor Constitutional principles.   Hillary Clinton has stated unequivocally her intent is to nominate justices to the Supreme Court who will legislate from the bench a liberal ideology that not only fundamentally changes America, but will assault conservative principles that have been the basis of our freedoms for 240 years.donald

Like it or not, we have two choices for president this fall and only one of the two offers us any hope of remaining a Constitutional Republic–Donald Trump.

Copyright 2016 – Travis D. Smith